Hakuoki: Sweet School Life opens a new chapter in the otome game series, taking you to the prestigious Hakuou Academy during the Edo period. Transforming into Yukimura Chizuru, the only female student in the school, you will embark on a romantic and exciting journey with talented samurai.
Colorful and surprising school life
Experience the unique school life at Hakuou Academy, where you not only participate in school events but also discover the secrets hidden behind the ancient gate. Every day here is an opportunity for you to build relationships and discover your own love story.
Engaging interactions and deep relationships
Meet handsome samurai with diverse personalities, from gentle, cold to strong. Each character brings a different story, challenges and emotions, creating deep and attractive relationships.
Graphics and music create a romantic world
Hakuoki: Sweet School Life captivates you with its exquisite anime graphics, perfectly recreating the beauty of Hakuou Academy and the characters. Along with that, the gentle and romantic background music further highlights the warm and close feeling of the game.
Why should you experience Hakuoki: Sweet School Life?
If you love romantic love stories, unique historical settings, and deep characters, Hakuoki: Sweet School Life will be the perfect choice. This is not just an otome game, but also a journey to explore emotions and create beautiful memories.
Let’s join Yukimura Chizuru in Hakuou Academy, build friendships, love, and experience a brilliant spring full of emotions! Thank you for visiting the Switch ROMs website. We look forward to seeing you again on your next visit!